Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What is the essence of me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is the essence of me - Essay Example I believe that in life people find success and make progress through trial and error and experiencing hardship. I also think that many times the mistakes people make have to do with other people. I recognize that oftentimes people have made mistakes with me, and I have done the same with them. It follows that I think it is necessary to cultivate a personality of forgiveness. When people are unwilling to forgive it signals that they are giving up on another person, when in reality this is precisely the time that they should be coming closer to the person. When we are willing to forgive people then we allow our relationships with them to grow and develop through trial and error. Another reason that forgiveness is the essence of me is because I believe that holding grudges or seeking revenge is unproductive for a healthy and happy existence. While I am not a psychologist or know much about psychological theory, I have had enough life experience to understand that oftentimes the way we think affects the way we feel. I believe that in holding grudges and refusing to forgive people then we go through life with negative thoughts and emotions. In my own life, people have wronged me. Although it has oftentimes been difficult for me to forgive them I have always managed to do so. After forgiving the person, I have always felt better. In these regards, I have gradually made forgiveness one of the central parts of my personality. In conclusion, this essay has examined what is the essence of me. In these regards, my essence is forgiveness. The reasons for this are because I feel life is about making mistakes and as such it’s necessary to forgive people. I also believe it makes people happier if they are able to forgive others. Ultimately, these reasons have become prominent considerations in my life and as such forgiveness has become my central

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Web Development for Information Management Coursework

Web Development for Information Management - Coursework Example System†,â€Å"Boston Pizza†, â€Å"Zuppler Online Ordering Menus†, â€Å"Funny Cow Fast Food†, â€Å"Hoagies & Wings, LA†), it was observed that there is an underlying trend that is generally followed while designing food delivery websites. Usually, a food provider hosts a website with a URL that depicts the food company’s name or some memorable association to it; a name that the customers can easily remember. On the homepage of the website is displayed the logo of the company, contact details and a detailed menu of the company’s food items with pricing, the delivery time, availability and cost for all the items. The customer is given the option to select food items from the menu displayed on the homepage. Whatever item the customer selects, it is added to an item’s cart that displays the total accumulated billing of the order so far along with the items selected. Once the customer is done selecting the items, he/she selects the check-out option from menu. In case, the customer is new, he/she provides some personal information (i.e. contact detail and delivery address) to register to the site and place the order. This information is stored within a database maintained by the food providers. In case, the customer is not new, he/she can use the login details from the past orders. The personal information will be retrieved automatically based on these details and the order will be placed automatically. The payment is done either online by provide credit card details or by hand on delivery. Once the order is placed, a notification is sent to the food provider regarding the placement of an order. This could be through sms, fax or a notification on the system running at the provider’s work area. The orders can be grouped into ‘completed’, ‘active’ and ‘pending’. Once the provider accepts an order, a confirmation is sent to the customer, either through an email or sms. The staff starts preparing the ordered food. Once the food is prepared, it is